

What is fascia? Fascial release and Pilates.

Understanding Fascia & Pilates

Combining Pilates with fascial release supports greater and longer-lasting physical benefits

What is fascia?

Fascia is connective tissue, like webbing, that runs in a continuous pattern throughout the human body.  It needs to stay hydrated and mobile to function best.

Why is fascial release important?

Fascia can be restricted and give you a feeling of tightness or tension in the way you move or in the way you activate your muscles. Approaching the body as one working unit will allow you to tap into the fascial lines that move from one part of the body to another.

Why Pilates and fascia?

Pilates uses the principle of breathing to execute proper mechanics and through proper breathing you can reach the deepest layers of tissue in the body.  There are several techniques to release fascia through movement including, but not limited to, tapping, bouncing, range of motion actions, and deep pressure release. Because each body is different, some people might respond better to one technique over another.

Pilates and fascial release… this combination can lead to more significant, and lasting improvements

Does Pilates Loft offer fascial release?

At the Pilates Loft we incorporate fascial release in each class by way of movement. Occasionally we will offer a specific fascial release class that focuses on deep tissue release by way of breathing and pressure.

Expert insights

Experts agree that combining Pilates in your quest for fascial release will result in better outcomes. Managing director of MBodies Training Academy, Chris Onslow, explains: “We believe in the power of combining myofascial release with strength and flexibility training, as this combination can lead to more significant, and lasting improvements.”

The SweatShop, now closed, but at one time the number one Pilates resource in the Twin Cities, also voiced an expert opinion. “Understanding and including a focus on fascial health is the new frontier for fitness and Pilates professionals, physical therapists, and simply savvy, healthy people.” We at Pilates Loft continue in that tradition.

Questions about the tips in this article or anything Pilates? Give us a call, stop by or email us!


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